In Mohave county, AZ, we also have the 120 sqft rule. HOWEVER, that's for STORAGE, not living space. Has to be free standing, not an addition. No electric, water. No SLEEPING in it.
Also, no sleeping in CAMPERS once you started building. I had only ONE neighbor about 700 ft away how could see my property (thank God she moved and her mobile is probably owned by FNMA now) and I cannot understand why she would complain, but I actually had the county zoning woman visit and demand that I not sleep in my camper while building. She required that I sleep in the unfinished living area of the house / garage, no heat, lots of mice.
I had the bathroom working, the laundry room was converted to my office and I had a gas bbq for cooking in my temp kitchen. I really don't know why anyone would care that I'd walk to my camper at 1 or 2 am to sleep. In terms of safety, it would have been better to require me to cook in the camper.
I tried to get a permit for the camper as outlined in the codes for living in it while under construction. She said I couldn't get a permit because it's only for "security" persons to guard materials while nobody lives there. I can't imagine that anyone around here has the money to hire security while building.
I've come to the conclusion that these "officials" were made in hell and I consider myself very lucky that I got all my permits BEFORE they changed to require inspections. I can build however I want -- just can't sleep in a camper (and not in my car, on the ground, or in a tent -- as per the official.)
I'm about 1/4 mile from BLM and could set up camp there and move every two weeks. I almost made an "issue" out of this, but decided to comply and be quiet, didn't need more harassment because I'm sure they can come up with more ways to make my life difficult.
Lesson learned: You can do whatever you want as long as nobody complains. And don't think just because you're on good terms with your neighbors and they're friendly that they won't. There are some weird people out there.
At 01:16 AM 11/10/2010, you wrote:
As for the mice, try a live catch box. That is what I use.
As for the codes, I have been studying my counties codes (they are online). Im allowed a 120sq ft floor structure. Im also allowed a "shade cloth" structure of any size. The posts about burlap crete has me thinking that is just shade cloth with industrial type glue to stiffin it. Im going to call the building dept and inquire as to if I can build a shade cloth structure and stiffin up the fabric with glue and insulate it. If so, then of course I would insulate it with pc.
Im anxious to get a tow mixer up and working to experiment with coating burlap or old sheets with pc and making beam type forms for possible load bearing or load bearing columns. It seems there are lots of differnt opinions on the load bearing capabilities here. I do live in earthquake country so I shouldnt be foolish with that.
--- In, Charmaine Taylor <dirtcheapbuilderbooks@...> wrote:
> From what I understand the code varies.. in most area you can build UP to
> 120 sq ft.. sometimes by roof line, often by sq foot floor. in some
> counties- like Sacramento- you can build 250 sq ft as an out building- used
> as an Ag building. in farm areas it seems more relaxed.
> Humboldt county has the 120 sq ft rule, no filing of anything needed., and
> you cant have elec or plumbing of course.
> so people build a series of small sheds for sleeping, living, storage,
> working. and use a generator, or run a power line cord as needed to each,
> or use camping lanterns, battery lights, candles for light as needed.
> I had anexisting small shed 6x12, and built it out to fully 120, and added a
> second one 2" away next to it as a tool shed. the first was a goat shed, and
> I converted it to a craft shed to carry all my 'art' junk & stuff, and have
> a work table, etc/
> I ran a power cord to a hanging lamp on days when it was darkish, and
> normally dont need light to work. or when I need a hot glue gun to work
> But mice chewed thru the lamp cord anyway.. and I just found yesterday that
> mice chewed through the cord on my new reciprical saw.. arghgghghgh, damn
> things get in all over, so I really need to finish the tool shed before they
> eat everything all winter.
> I am tempted to use the Cambodian method... to skewer an ear of corn with a
> long wire, butter it, put peanut butter on the center, and lay the wired on
> over a 3/4 full water pail... the rat runs to the corn, slips off and
> drowns.. hate to make anything suffer, but I am sick of the damage.
> the tool shed, if I get it finished has only one window, but a huge slider
> door I got free that faces east, and gets alot of light that way.
> -- we have an AOB-- alt owner builder code here, and people do strawbale,
> cordwood and other, but have a lot of issues with dept of building
> anyway.. it is mostly about having windows and doors, proper electrical,
> etc, and NOT really about alt methods.. just safety
> Charmaine Taylor Publishing
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Re: [papercreters] Re: sheds- codes- mice damage
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