That link doesn't work
> http://www.motherea Green-Homes/ 1976-09-01/ I-Live-In- A-Paper-
> House.aspx?page=8
> I found this fascinating 1976 article, another version of a paper house
> and so close to me...Richardson, TX.
> Connie
Not him, but the "trend" in the 1970s was for portable/quick assemble shelters. there is
no papercrete in the book below, but no reason why it can't be utilized.
There was a whole range of cardboard domes and homes in the late 70's & there is a
book out of Canadian Univ. Called "Paper Houses" has patterns for building a house of
cardboard, with bolts and hinges.
here is description: it is a special order reproduction book
"Paper Houses"- by R. Shepard, Richard Threadgill and John Holmes
Build a livable enduring house of paper - how to design, shape, cut and weatherproof,
model, etc. Over 200 plans and illustrations. This incredible 1970s classic showed the
designers at McGill University in Canada, and others creating houses from bent
Discusses the paper houses developed in WW II from chipboard as prototypes, and the 7'
x 8' hut shelter by Anthony Ferris that uses aluminum clips, and the whole thing weighs
80 pounds!
132 pages with chapters on shapes, geodesics (five steps for calculating, four geodesics,
elliptical domes, zome domes, fold-plate structures, choosing a shape)
How to: Construction, templates, cutting, bending, taping, treating the inside,
waterproofing the outside.
Dealing with fasteners, creep, sealing, paper mache. The 1957 McGill domes, Farnham
and Gilford domes, the Charas hut, built domes.
Making models, erecting domes, bibliography
Artwork courtesy Joe Garlitz 1997, from his geodesic dome design, please note this exact
drawiing is not ini the book, but is a representation of dome design.
This is a Xerographic reproduction on quality paper-132 pages. [Original book no longer
in print.] Black & white illustrations and photos.
Charmaine Taylor
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