My thoughts are........why would the papercrete, if mixed the way I mix it, which is to add the wet paper pulp to the mixing container, then add the cement and mix until the paper pulp looks like wet cement and no paper pieces can be seen, then add clay and sand to that mixture until the desired thickness is achieved, then this mixture can be applied just like cob, why would the cement impregnated paper burn and the straw in cob not burn, and the straw is not impregnated with cement, it is still just straw?
I am going to build a rocket stove and use the papercrete mixture listed above and I will post my results when complete, this experment may benifit all who are looking for a way to heat with wood and not have to have cords upon cords of wood just to get through a winter.
I realize what I am calling papercrete probably is not what most of you would call paprecrete, my mixture is 3-2-1 same as concrete, three paper, (1 clay and 1 sand, sometimes two clay or two sand instead of one each), and one cement, this mixture will dry very fast, in hot weather it will harden overnight, it shrinks very little, and even cob shrinks some while it is drying.
--- In, JUDITH WILLIAMS <williams_judith@...> wrote:
I haven't been following this subject (in MA with my daughter with very limited internet access) but will say that I have used papercrete and cob together in my fireplace. I put the cob near where the fire will be and the papercrete on the outside to insulate. I know others have done this in the past. The idea is to store the heat and not catch the thing on fire.
I know Paul Wheaton (from and this is a great idea when using cob, but bad idea for papercrete. It won't get thermal mass. You will burn the wood or whatever you put in there more efficiently but you won't get the heat you want. Also I would venture to guess that the paper fibers themselves might gassify with all that heat, and not sure what that would do internally to the cement (i.e. de-bond the cement?)
I've been looking at the following site and others, and was wondering if instead of cob for thermal mass, if papercrete could be used instead. Has anybody else thought of this or tried it?