Has anyone here tried phone books, yellow pages? I met with someone at AT&T who thought it would be a great idea to build structures out of old phone books. They don't know what to do with all of them, it's a recycling nightmare that should be able to be reused.
~Evonne Heyning~
CCO: Interactive Producer for Social Games
evoamo@gmail.com @amoration
310.953.1087 or skype:amoration
Love = Energy
The deal is, someone provides those big businesses with a compactor
machine, in order to buy the bailed cardboard from them. The buyer sets
the time and date he will pick up and pay for the cardboard at the
current market price, problem is they usually only pick up and pay for
when the current market price is down. That is why you see such large
amounts behind businesses, the buyer is waiting for a better price.
--- In papercreters@yahoogroups.com, Evelyn Vollmer <evelynanne8@...>
> This is good news!
> In the past we have talked about the problem of obtaining paper and
some on
> the list, like Judith, have started to use cardboard. I was just up in
> Sacramento area and in watching the news and a story came up where
> arrested a group of people taking the bailed cardboard from behind the
> box stores. These people had quite a business, big trucks, warehouses,
> Apparently there is big money in recycling running into thousands and
> thousands of dollars. Just an interesting tidbit.
> On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 10:41 PM, yeshuaessenor yeshuaessenor@...wrote:
> >
> >
> > hi....
> >
> > just hoping to help with paper finding.
> >
> > I have worked in a couple of places that have an OBSCENE
> > amount of paper that they THROW AWAY DAILY!!!
> >
> > One is a tourist attraction/museum (go figure)
> > and the other is a jail.
> >
> > TONS AND TONS of paper yearly I AM SURE!
> >
> > all shreaded and ready to go too!
> >
> > :)
> > hope this helps somebody!
> >
> > --- In papercreters@yahoogroups.com
> > "Denise" sharden@ wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi ~ First post here, I've been lurking for a few years and
> > everything I can. I used to work at a detention center (county jail)
> > they had an enormous amount of shredded paper thrown out every week.
> > might try there or city/county offices. I get mine to experiment
with from
> > the Dr's office I work at. Hope this helps ~ Peace ~ Denise
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Chinese herbals for the Western Mind
> www.ozbotanicals.com
> Skype~eve8mon
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