I've been without the internet for a few days so if any have tried to reach me don't feel I've been ignoring you. I don't know what's wrong with the computer and have no idea how to fix it but I'm sure I'll figure it out.
For now though, it's time to make some papercrete. I've spent about 2 weeks trying to fix leaks in the mixer. What I finally did, after several false starts, was to line the leaking areas with that peel and stick roof patch. I also put some gorilla glue on some places to reinforce the patch. Today I'll try mixing up a batch and see what happens.
I've also been making more slip forms. The idea is to have 2 courses going at all times. That way I can just leap frog the forms without having to level them all again and without having to have someone to help me. I'm really excited about this method of construction and can't wait to see how long it will take me to get the walls up. Since I am experiencing a paper shortage I may cut down some of the many surplus blocks I have and use them in the walls. I was going to make all new blocks but it will speed things up and use less paper to do it this way.
Oh and a word about the blog for those who have wondered: I have been trying to keep up with it but after working at the building project all day I'm just too tired when I get home. And I am so slow at it that it's easy to keep procrastinating. I'll keep trying, but first must get the internet working again.
Follow progress on the new project at http://www.papercretebyjudith.com/blog
More papercrete info at http://squidoo.com/papercretebyjudith
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