Saturday, September 18, 2010

Re: [papercreters] Re: PAPERCRETE SCULPTURES

     This may or may not be sculpting...still pretty amazing though...

--- On Fri, 9/17/10, Spaceman <> wrote:

From: Spaceman <>
Subject: Re: [papercreters] Re: PAPERCRETE SCULPTURES
Date: Friday, September 17, 2010, 1:53 PM


Yes, no
Pc works a lot like clay, and if you add a bunch of clay even more so. My potter brother says there's even a paper/clay that they use to repair cracked pots but it's not suitable for throwing on a wheel.

For outdoor use you would increase the amount of portland cement for better longevity, and to make it less inviting to cellulose eaters. Then a good seal to keep away the moisture, something like a nice thick paint coat or elastomeric which is like a rubberized paint.


All opinions expressed or implied
are subject to change without notice
upon receipt of new information.


On 9/17/2010 9:56 AM, E Mead wrote:
Can you actually sculpt (as one does with clay) with this formula?  and can it be used outdoors safely?  If not, does someone have a recipe that you could acutally sculpt with that is good for outdoor statuary?  Thank you in advance for any help.