I made my first - let's say I tried to make my first - block using
the kitchen blender mix of wet paper/portland/lime mix. So far, what
I've figured out is that my mix was way too wet (I was blotting water
off it for two days) and that, rather than a cardboard box lined with
a trashbag, I need an actual form that can be left in place to set
up, drain/dry out, etc. Beyond that - I've also realized that there
is no way the blender can keep up with needed quantities. So, my
questions are: Would I be better off waiting for a one-day workshop
in October (ack!!) for hands-on training for making
molds/mix/blocks? Should I go ahead with 5 gallon drill attachment
and mix enough for one or two blocks at a time using a paper/cement
mix? (I can do a batch at a time after work.) I've got a couple of
books on masonry - will I be able to pick up enough knowledge from
those and this group to make up for a total lack of experience?
My goal: insulate and brick-veneer a remodeled 1987 mobile home in a
manner suitable for my finances. (translation: green and cost
efficient remodel by a broke person willing to learn and put some
work into the whole thing) Location is Southwest New Mexico.
Aside from that - Spaceman - thanks for the link to your mixer; it
made sense to me, which a lot of the other (website) mixer
instructions didn't. And if anyone is still in need of paper,
especially pre-shredded - check into hospitals, banks, law firms -
any place that goes through a LOT of paper with confidential
information - the paper is shredded before hitting the trash.
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