Sunday, May 10, 2009

RE: [papercreters] Need suggestions for waterproofing

At the papercrete conference in Oct someone suggested using El Rey stucco on the walls to waterproof. I'm not sure I could go for that because it is mostly cement. But what about Sto which is more like a heavy paint? Sorry, just writing this off the top of my head without researching what Sto is made of. Just a thought. As I said in my last post, I am trying to figure out how to waterproof the roof of my mother's trailer before monsoon season. We are living temporarily in old trailers while we build. These things will be hauled away when we no longer need them so I don't want to put too much effort or money into them.

Sincerely, Judith
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Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.        Helen Keller

Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 03:15:53 -0700
Subject: [papercreters] Need suggestions for waterproofing

Hi,  we're in the process of making thinner block PC panels (3 inch thick) to cover the roof of our mobile home to help keep the sun from cooking us alive and tripling our electric bills (western arizona desert) and I need an inexpensive way to waterproof the panels.  Since we do get some occasional t-storms during July/Aug with heavy downpours, without waterproofing they could absorb quite a bit of water which would add quite a bit of weight to our roof.
I checked the price of cool coating and it's a bit expensive.  Any good suggestions?  I was thinking of just coating the outsides of the panels but if there's something I can add to the mix so that the panels won't absorb rain water, that'd be even better.

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