Unfortunately those videos were on Curtis's camera card when he stopped by for a visit years ago, and that is the only copy I have. We have learned that they were saved in a non-standard proprietary format and you need a special codec to view them, or a special viewer. Try VLC player and see if that works for you.
I don't rip my paper at all, I let the mixer do that. Your paper should be pulp after mixing, so the only clogs would be if you have foreign matter in the mix, like rocks. The sprayer is hand loaded, the pump is used for filling forms.
Most of the foam I have seen is flammable, and would not make anything fireproof. Actually, building and life safety codes require foam to be covered with fireproofing when it is exposed inside a dwelling because it is such a fire hazard. A Google search turns up references to a patent application for a non-flammable silicone based foam, but I didn't find any suppliers. 1/2" of stucco might do the job, it would be heavy for a bus.
ablueprincess wrote:
The reason I was thinking about PC is because of the cost and the green factor, also I have heard that a lot of the old timer bus nuts are saying the foam loses it's R value over time so it isnt a cure all. I have also read that PC can be made fireproof by encasing it in 1/2" of foam (which is one option). I was thinking that if I encased it in the foam, I would make it out of strictly paper and water so it would be very light weight and have a better R value. I have also thought of doing "studs" made with PC but with portland cement in the mix, and then the fill between the "studs" would be the paper/water mix. I havent had my bus very long, but I didnt notice flexing. It is a monolithic build It is also a transit design, it's a 1983 RTS made by GMC. This bus is made with stainless steel and has a fiberglass shell. I really liked the sprayer, from what I could see of it but my puter wouldnt let me see video 3 and 4... so would you mind posting them again as I think they were the "meat" of it? Also how tiny do you have to rip the paper before you can pump it thru the sprayer? What do you do if it gets clogged? Does it have a reverse or do you just add more water? When the bus is done I am wanting to go from Ca to Arkansas and would be going thru NM so YES!!! And if anyone ever makes it to the Central Coast of Ca let me know, cuz I would love to show it off :) ------------------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/papercreters/ <*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional <*> To change settings online go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/papercreters/join (Yahoo! ID required) <*> To change settings via email: mailto:papercreters-digest@yahoogroups.com mailto:papercreters-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: papercreters-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
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