I think you have come to the right place! There are so many people in this group with years of practical knowledge. Your idea of using the plastic panels you are removing as forms is excellent. If there are any holes or cracks you can put some duct tape over them.
Here's what I've found from working with papercrete: you solve problems as you go along. So just get started (as it seems you are doing). Papercrete does not naturally stick to anything so I don't think it would work to try to spray it on a surface, but I would suggest you try it. Perhaps if you put some sort of chicken wire or something for it to grab on to? I'm sure many in the group will have suggestions.
You can mix small batches in a 5 gal bucket with an attachment to your drill. Also you may be able to build or have built an electric powered one using a 55 gal drum. Vince Pawlowski posted pictures of his so you may want to check that out in the picture section of this group or contact Vince for more info. www.livinginpaper.com has different mixer styles too, as do other sites if you do a google search.
Your project sounds like a great deal of fun. Will you be taking a trip in your tricked out bus? If so put Abiquiu NM on the itinerary.
Sincerely, Judith
Visit my new website at http://www.papercretebyjudith.com
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To: papercreters@yahoogroups.com
From: ablueprincess@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 10:57:51 +0000
Subject: [papercreters] PC inside a bus turned RV?
Hi! I am new here but I have studied PC off and on for years and I have a project I am working on that I think PC would be very good for. I am converting a bus to an RV (veggie powered) and on the inside of the bus I need to insulate and have walls. It needs to be light weight, sound absorbing, flame proof or at least retardent, strong, etc. all the bennies of PC but it also needs to be water proof (in case of leaks in the bus shell) or at least have a way to breathe and dry out. The insides of the bus are curved. I am in the destruction phase of the conversion. I am removing a lot of plastic that is molded to the contours of the bus and am thinking I would like to use them as molds for the PC. I need to get or make a mixer (but dont have a rear end of a car laying around so I need to come up with another way of mixing). There are a lot of individual indentions in the ceiling on these types of buses that I will need to spray with PC so I need a sprayer too. What do you people think?
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