THANK YOU. I have been filling in a trench as a result of changing my mind AGAIN. The soil, if you can call it that, is big chunks of caliche. I was thinking it would be good to use in my papercrete or a plaster. Would love to hear more about it.
Am now going to experiment with perlite in the mix. The pumice plant near me has closed but the perlite mine isn't too far. I called for prices, very reasonable. Can you imagine papercrete with those little perlite beads in it? So light weight and great R.
More news, I poured my first slip form 2 days ago. It came out beautiful. It is 12" high and about 11 feet long. I didn't think I would ever get the thing poured. It's my first papercreting in a very long time. Equipment needed attention (mixer had about 4" of hard papercrete in the bottom, lots of chipping and hammering), forms had to be constructed, everything set up, wind was blowing about 35MPH, whole 24" high pile of newspapers flew away, cement dust everywhere. Then when I finally got to towing, the plug on the mixer let go and half the mix was lost. Then I got to the end of the road and discovered the neighbor had locked the gate so I couldn't do my usual circuit. Good Grief!!! But the mix ended up perfect after we added more ingredients to make up for what was lost and the first course of the wall couldn't be nicer. Oh the joys of papercrete. I am so happy to be back in the slurry again!
Sincerely, Judith
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Albert Einstein
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Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 12:45:32 -0700
Subject: [papercreters] CALICHE VS BENTONITE
Spaceman-- they are two different 'minerals' but caliche is so
great that I'd try it if you can use it.
mixing it WITH any local clay will give you a strong binding material.
Mary Miller-- a long time ago PC experimenter sent me a sample of
papercrete with caliche, vs cement, and the dang thing is very strong.
since it is a LIME based material, it will bind well to the AE or
other mixes you try.
go for it and let us know.
melting shingles in diesel fuel at $4. a gallon?
AE is so cheap ( $20. 5 gal bucket) that it might be worth trying both.
BUT also since the tar shingles are just tar- paper base and gravel
why not SOLAR COOK them.. make a crude slider door solar cooker over a
pile of shingles? ( with old PC panels around it. and melt it down
faster with no fuels needed?
even on a small scale you can test it in a big black pot or old drum or similar.
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