Friday, July 25, 2008

[papercreters] Papercrete Locator Maps have been updated

I just updated the photos of the papercrete locator maps.

If anyone knows of a structure and aren't sure whether or not it is
listed, please email and tell me about it, so
that I can include it.

I'm still trying to track down rumored papercrete structures in many
places. I have hints about unmapped structures in California,
Missouri, Minnesota, Canada, England, France, Germany, Austrailia,
Uraguy, Mexico, and Brasil.

I'm also very confident that Silver City, NM has a lot more
structures than I have currently mapped.

Mikey Sklar might want to email me about the "papercrete friends" he
posted about in his blog yesterday from Marshon, TX. Have they built
anything yet? Even Google cannot find Marshon Texas. Marshon
Marshon Marshon!! Where is Marshon?

Who knows how many more are out there that I haven't even heard
rumors about? Even if you don't have complete information, please
tell me what you do know about a structure. I'll try to track it

The map photos are listed in the Papercreters Photos area in the
Diagrams album. Important note: You must be a member of Papercreters
and be logged into Yahoo to be able to view any of our photos.
(Membership is free.)

Here are links directly to the new updates. I put them in tiny
clickable urls so that Yahoo would not chop up the links.

National Papercrete Locator Map
(Tan Pushpins represent Papercrete/Cordwood Structures)

Arizona and Southern New Mexico Papercrete Locator Map

Colorado and Northern New Mexico Papercrete Locator Map:

Texas Papercrete Locator Map:


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