Hey Charmaine,Awesome to see a post from you again - it's been a long time. I still have bags of shredded paper in prep for the slipform wall I wanted to build as a test... but never quite got around too. I for one would certainly be glad to see the group reinvigorated.I'm wondering if email lists, like this, might experience a resurgence in spite of the Faceborg Apocalypse in the same way that vinyl has in the face of CDs and now music streaming. One can hope; I find much gets lost in the FB model of "community" - which seems to mean being attached to the umbilical every moment so you don't miss anything because if you do, it's really hard to find later and then, even if you find it, the herd have moved on to the latest post and only the latest post.Anyway, as an aside, if you want to fire up the papercrete.com domain and use that as a web presence I have some server space I'm not using and can help set it up. Or install joomla or wordpress or whatever you might want to use. Just ping me directly if you'd like to follow up on that.Oh, also, a tip I discovered with the shredded paper. If you're like me and using an old industrial shredder and wind up with lots of shredded paper, the bags you can buy that are like huge cliplock plastic bags and have the valve for the vacuum are excellent for storing shredded paper you don't yet need.
BlakeOn Sun, 8 Dec 2019 at 10:20, 'C. C. Visnesky' charmainertaylor@gmail.com [papercreters] <papercreters@yahoogroups.com> wrote:I am cheered to see so many response from people I know, who have worked on PC a long time.. EO and Kim, and newbies..lets BEGIN again toward the new year, and help the newly interested and re-encourage the experienced.Since i am retired i am willing to post all the resources and book chapters, as well as links to full infoand there is data on DL format via the system under Dropbox.Mmike mccain created very simply paper chopping system NOT the barrel mixer and less costly.if there is interest I can post pics of the design.Last on Dec 15 2009 I sold www.dirtcheapbuilder.com to a new owner in MT, Tom Expel a stop builder.DCB is still running with new titles, but is NOT papercerete focused.I kept my Papercrete.com business, and all publications I created as well as the old, out of print materials from the 1900s.and now it exists only on FB, and is inactive. I'd RATHER be active here to get people started than run a business again.If people want specific books/DVDs see Tom Epel's www.dirtcheapbuilder.comI've always held "PAPERCRETE IS AN IDEA" inventive people use what they HAVE! - for more 20 years I have seen it also include dry seaweed, pumice, styrofoam waste, pulverized rice hulls (RHA), chopped fishing line- polypropylene fibers and waste,sawdust, Redwood sawdust (my favorite! already chopped, wont burn easily, won't mold and available on many areas of the west coast.) Other ORGANIC fibers have been used - HEMP bast, dry brush & weeds, chopped straw, as well as non organic (the poly fibers and ground up waste).As well as Latex paint, Fly Ash, hydrated lime, brick dust, and pozzolanic materials all have been tried to some level of success.SO MUCH IS ALREADY KNOWN LET'S GET IT OUT THERE AGAIN TO THOSE WHO WANT TO USE IT!--Here are some links, MOST should work, I have not checked..but they give a wide range of connecting interests.
And there ARE and WERE COMMERCIAL building and experimental groups, individuals, and hundreds of youtube videos still available.
Alternative-low cost building email group: organic_architecture@yahoogroups.com
www.livinginpaper.com <<< Papercrete building-extensive site
www.earthbagbuilding.com Kelly Hart's earthbag site
www.davidsheen.com << Amazing cob & earth building
www.daycreek.com <<< CORDWOOD-papercretewww.middlepath.au.com << EARTHEN floor
http://cobprojects.info/index.htm <<< COB resources
www.okokok.org << Earthbag homes
www..hollowtop.com - Stone wall, Slipform building
www.earthhouse.info <<< Earthen/Domes
www.ferrocement.com << Cement-dome-FERRO
http://photos.itsa.info/ << Domes and ferro homeshttp://loveforlife.com.au/node/5917 << Woodland cordwood hobbit home in Wales
http://mha-net.org <<< Masonry Stove Builders- best site on fireplaces and stoveswww.solarcooking.org <<< Solar-off grid
www.strawbuilding.org <<< California Strawbale resource group
www.glassford.com.au <<< Strawbale builder in AUSTRALIA
Charmaine Visnesky Taylorback of beyond PacNW
Posted by: Vickey McDonald <vickeym@gmail.com>