I can personally attest to the fact that once it is exposed to fire, it does not burn with a flame,. However, it does smolder and will turn to ash. Just takes a lot longer and there was no visible flame with our test block. Of course this depends partially on the amount of paper vs concrete in the mix.
In our case my husband decided to dry the block some by putting it in my wood fired oven. It got hot enough to get it smoldering and turn it to ash. It took several hours to do so. When I realized it was burning, I took it outside and let it sit in a gravel area. When I looked at it the next morning it was all ash. Each time I checked it the evening I put it out there you could tell it was still smoldering (smoking)
On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 5:03 PM eo greensticks eogreensticks@gmail.com [papercreters] <papercreters@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
this appears just as i was thinking about papercrete!i make ferrocement sculptures and often have used some paper in the top coat, the sculpted layer, because it is easier to work with and 'softer' than concrete but i have some concern about the longevity of the papercrete. So far the early ones are holding up- i have waterproofed them and the percentage of paper pulp is not high...Has anyone tested paperadobe for bushfire resistance? bush fires are increasingly a problem-i have read that if the mineral content in the mix is high enough, then papercrete won't burn but of course Portland cement will burn out where clay will not. Could i substitute clay for the PC?cheers, eo
Posted by: Vickey McDonald <vickeym@gmail.com>