There was someone on this list who'd done some sidewalks around his house with papercrete. Most people say it's best to think of it as a wood product rather then masonry in terms of protecting it, but this guy said it held up great for at least a couple of years.
From: Josephine <>
Sent: Thu, January 20, 2011 10:00:57 PM
Subject: [papercreters]
Sir/MadamThis is my very first message.I am fascinated with Papercrete and want to know if you can apply it directly to the ground to make slabs to walk on or to have under a patio or make a path with it. This would save a lot of time leveling the ground etc.And do you think Papercrete would be suitable for this application in all environments rain and hot sun that we have here in Australia?Cant wait to hear your replyMany thanksJosephineAustralia
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