Thursday, January 14, 2010

Re: [papercreters]

i,m  new  to this  group    as  i just  fround  this  mqterial  a  few  weeks  ago.
i  asked a  quewstion a  few  days ago.. and ther  has  not been any  comit on  eighter, 
i,m  hoping  i  can  learn to  us e this  for  pots,  and  garden,    and  being  very  frugal...i  need a  new  kitchen counter top....
does,t  anyone  have  experice with using  this  in  that..... i,m  in  east   tn, so  doubt i  can use  it  to finish  my  chicken house  walls  lol...
ms.  i  wouold  likie  to  come  to  your  place  this  summer.....if  i  can  arrange it..
thanks  deborah

From: doris burton <>
Subject: Re: [papercreters]
Date: Thursday, January 14, 2010, 5:09 PM

It does seem like the work and discussions have fallen off however if everyone is as cold as we are then it will be spring before we can have our hands in that cold water again.
I have missed being a part of the discussions as well, as you remember Ron and I were trying to get out bedroom at least enclosed so we could work inside during the cold weather .
We had a bump in the road when I was in the hospital for two week back on November 16th four days of that were intensive care for a blood clot from the knee up to my stomach. This has set us back to doing only what is necessary these days but I feel sure we will be back at the PC stuff as soon as it warms up.
Much good luck and Health to all
Doris and Ron
On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 3:51 PM, JUDITH WILLIAMS <williams_judith@> wrote:
I've spent the day reviewing a bunch of old papercreter's group emails.. It seems so many who used to contribute regularly haven't been heard from in a very long time. I know it may be that there's not much outside work being done in the winter, but I really would like to know what everyone is up to these days.

I have also picked up on the feelings some have had that we are getting off topic too much and not clipping our replies and things like that. Weill I have probably been guilty of this myself and I apologize.

Here's the thing: If you are still out there following this list I'd love to see a short note. And any who are thinking of dropping out (as some have done recently) I would encourage you to stick with us. I know it may take some patience for those with good computer skills, spelling expertise, etc to put up with the rest of us, but I ask that you please try. I really miss all the great info we used to get.

Sincerely, Judith

Check out my new Squidoo Lens at http://www.squidoo. com/papercreteby judith

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