Perhaps those with lots of paper and a tow mixer could start creating, for sale, plain paper blocks out of their excess paper. I envision this dried paper block could be added to water - soaked a little to soften - and quickly converted into usable papercrete.
Good idea. This is what Lex Terry did with his big papercrete project on the Navajo reservation. They took all the blocks out there and mixed the papercrete them in a cement mixer. Just broke up the blocks, threw them in and added cement. This would use less water too.
Sincerely, Judith
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Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 04:53:46 +0000
Subject: [papercreters] pre-mulched papercrete
Hello group, lots of good advice here!
For those with an excess amount of free paper products to work with and a tow mixer I'd like to think it would be the start of an interesting business opportunity. Haybale construction is common because the hay is available most anywhere. Papercrete isn't common because the waste paper must be converted into a useful form with the tow mixer.
I don't have a tow mixer and really don't want one. What I do want is pre-mulched paper and would buy dried pre-mulched paper ready for me to mix. Maybe lots of other people would too.
Make these blocks in a convenient size ( so many blocks per 92# bag of cement) and I'd think you'd develop a local market. Pick one of the good recipes from Tina, Mike and John in Colorado site ( www.papercreters.
... for paperstucco use X blocks of paper per 92# cement, ... for papercrete blocks use X blocks of paper per 92# cement, ...
If you make it I'll buy some and so will others,
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