I don't have a towmixer (nor do I want one) but I can shred in all kinds of weather (12" snow on the ground comes to mind) any time of day or night, while I'm setting by the fireplace and watching TV. The below is an example of my shredded cardboard. A little bit of water and a short mix (say 2 min max) will produce an oatmeal looking pulp, just add cement, sand or clay or both and your good to go.
pulp after water added and before cement, sand and or clay.
--- In papercreters@yahoogroups.com, "allan.buch" <ab.7470@...> wrote:
Why do you shred paper? I have build a towmixer and i can put almost anything in it(cardboard boxes and whole newspapers) without shredding it so it seems like a waist of time to shred the paper?
About the strength of the papercrete, i would be nice to see some test of pc made from different kind of paper/cardboard.
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