This is clipped form an old post. I can't imagine using 3.5 sacks of cement in one mix. I think I started out using something like that and gradually cut it down, increasing the amount of pumice to add more mineral matter. Now when I have to handle one of those earliest blocks it seems to weigh a ton. Interesting that he also mentions perlite. I have switched to that now that I can't get pumice but never really understood its fireproofing qualities. Papercrete is a very simple and straightforward material but still there is so much to learn.
I use perlite at a 4 to 1 ratio to cement as it gives a more solid
block - I use perlite as 50% of the total mix - greater levels of
cement and aggregate do not seem to affect the flow of heat until the
material would be so dense as to conduct from particle to particle
Probally in excess of 80% -even with all the perlite I still dont get
the strength I need till I have at least 3.5 sacks of cement? yard -
curious that is also when I gain fire resistance- ever made an omelot
without eggs- use enough cement- Clyde--- In
> It would be good to have a source for these numbers. I believe
Judith is using less cement than that in her latest fire test.
> I have been looking at Perlite instead/in addition to paper. If
fire prevention is your concern, perlite is the answer. You can use
6 to 8 cubic feet of perlite per 1 sack of cement, which is not only
easy on your pocketbook but kind to the environment. Also, the less
cement you use the greater insulation value you get.
> Neal
Sincerely, Judith
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