I've spent the day reviewing a bunch of old papercreter's group emails. It seems so many who used to contribute regularly haven't been heard from in a very long time. I know it may be that there's not much outside work being done in the winter, but I really would like to know what everyone is up to these days.
I have also picked up on the feelings some have had that we are getting off topic too much and not clipping our replies and things like that. Weill I have probably been guilty of this myself and I apologize.
Here's the thing: If you are still out there following this list I'd love to see a short note. And any who are thinking of dropping out (as some have done recently) I would encourage you to stick with us. I know it may take some patience for those with good computer skills, spelling expertise, etc to put up with the rest of us, but I ask that you please try. I really miss all the great info we used to get.
Sincerely, Judith
Check out my new Squidoo Lens at http://www.squidoo.com/papercretebyjudith
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