In the tests done they passed the class a fire rating test for insulation as they are. This is strange, I looked up the rice hull stoves and they seem to contradict these tests results. I read about a rice hull furnace and it was obviously built t ignite material that resist it. I guess I will have to do my own test but these test were supposedly done at a professional facility in Tennessee. Maybe there use as a heating fuel is more feasible than I thought. I hope these tests are accurate.
- ASTM Testing
- Recent ASTM testing conducted R&D Services
- of Cookville, Tennessee, have conclusively
- demonstrated that rice hulls, in their raw and
- unprocessed state, without the addition of any
- chemicals, constitute a Class A or Class I
- insulation material. Let us briefly review these
- Design Density Test
- The first test conducted by R&D Services
was a Design Density Test. The initial densities- Critical Radiant Flux Test
- Critical Radiant Flux Test
Three samples were tested according to testmethod ASTM E 970. The average CRF was0.29 W/cm2, the standard deviation was 0.015,and the coefficient of variation was 0.05. Allthree samples easily passed this test.of the rice hulls were 7.729 and 7.488 lb/ft3.After 24 hours of vibration, these two samples
- Surface Burning Characteristics
- The ASTM E84 Standard Test for Surface
- Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
- (ANSI 2.5, NFPA 255, UBC 8-1, UL 723)
- was conducted by Omega Point Laboratories of
- Elmendorf, Texas. The results here were
- amazing. US building codes require a Fire
- Smoke Development Index
- was 10. US building codes require a Smoke
- Development Index of 450 or less. The SDI for
- rice hulls was 50. Rice hulls, therefore, are
- a Class A or Class I insulation material. The
- United States produces over 1.2 M metric tons
- of rice hulls annually, and often times, they
- Smoldering Combustion Test
- Three sample were tested according to test
- method ASTM C 739, Section 14.
- Sample 1 showed a weight loss of 0.07%,
- Sample 2 showed a weight loss of 0.03%,
- Sample 3 showed a weight loss of 0.03%.
- Thermal Resistance
- The rice hulls were tested according to test
- method ASTM C 518.
- Length of TimeR-per-inch
120.0 hours3.024
90.3 hours2.926
92.0 hours2.946
Rice hull stoves are very popular in some countries. The pictures I've seen look like they burn very well.
Why do you say they almost won't burn?
Forrest Charnock wrote:
The rice hulls sound like the way to go as meeting code is easy and they almost won't burn.