I have never been very good at chemistry so cannot advise about using deck stain in place of latex.
I will risk being chastised by the "let's not keep reinventing the wheel" people by saying that you should experiment with what you have on hand and see if it works. The only morAL RESPONSIBILITY YOU WILL BE HELD TO IS SHARING YOUR RESULTS WITH THE REST OF US. Please excuse all caps. keyboarding is not my strong suit.
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To: papercreters@yahoogroups.com
From: sholmes_pta@yahoo.com
Date: Sat, 8 May 2010 20:32:23 +0000
Subject: [papercreters] Re: Papercrete Garden Wall
Thank you so much for the info. I made Hubby go through all of his old subscriptions and I have more paper than I thought so I can get started tomorrow!
Do you think if I mixed a waterproofing deck stain in it would have the same effect as the latex paint? I have a gallon or so left over from the deck on hand. Which ever I try to use, do I need to adjust the volume of the other additives due to moisture content?
The wall built the the architecture students sounds really cool. I will try to look it up. Thanks again for all your help and info.
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