Papercrete would make a very attractive wall around a compost area however I would be concerned about moisture. I have successfully mixed latex paint in with my mix and have acheived a waterproof product. The first time I did this I used about 10% paint. The result was very heavy but also impermiable to water. The panels I made 3 years ago have been out in the weather all this time with no evidence of damage by wind, sun or water. I have since used less paint in the mix with good results. Choose a paint color you like or get those reject 5 gal buckets at the home store. I have a friend in CA who is getting free paint from the hazardous materials landfill. Or you could build the wall and paint it when it's all set up and dry.
Yes you can mix in a 5 gallon bucket with a drill and paddle attachment. Or you could use a trash can for more volume. Search the archives for recipes, or if I have time I will look through my recipe foloder and send some.
As far as forms go, this would be a good time to try using cardboard boxes as forms. I think it may have been Charmaine who sent pics of a wall built by architecture students. The boxes were all slightly different sizes and shapes so the wall has a rustic organic look but is surprisingly attractive. Just put the slurry in the box and let it set up. Then stack the boxes like blocks. You can use the same slurry mix for the mortar.
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More papercrete info at wall and paint it when it's all dry and set up.
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Date: Sat, 8 May 2010 14:50:32 +0000
Subject: [papercreters] Papercrete Garden Wall
My largest idea is replacing a lattice type fence that surrounds my composting area with a papercrete wall that would resemble stacked rock wall. I would like to make a mold to make flat stone type bricks but have so many questions. If anyone has any helpful information, I would greatly appreciate it. If it matters, I live in central North Carolina where we have our share of rain & humidity. Hubby doesn't "get" my projects so most will have to be easy for me to do on my own. But I am handy with a few of his tools.
1. Are there different recipes for different structure types?
2. Since it is exposed to the elements do I need to seal it & or worry about insects?
3. Can I use a stain on it to match our fencing and deck?
4. Since I will be stacking them, what is the best way to lay them? (do I need to use what ever masons use or can I use papercrete between them. I have never laid brick before)
5. I will be making this in small batches. Can I mix with something fixed onto my electric drill?
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