Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Re: [papercreters] Re: videos

The PC latex mix seemed to work great on the containers. It is sticking
very well. The wall temperature has dropped from 140 to 110 with only a
1/4" of stucco. I highly recommend this technique combined with
papercrete blocks on the roof to lower the temperature of these
containers. If you wanted to live in them, I would recommend insulating
with 10"+ of PC. I used 16" in my case and can keep the container
temperature at 90F even only 100F day with no cooling or ventilation.

BTW, if you are curious about your own insulation effectiveness I highly
recommend getting a infrared remote laser thermometer to measure you
wall temperatures. This is a excellent tool for finding hot spots and
cold spots in a given structure.

MT4 Mini Temp Non-Contact Thermometer Gun with Laser Sighting

On Wed, Jul 04, 2007 at 01:41:10PM -0000, slurryguy wrote:
> Mikey, in your container spraying video, you mention a desire to
> control temperatures inside the container.
> Did you happen to stick a thermometer inside the container and take
> some before/after readings? Some compainion outside temps would make
> it even more interesting. (Is my inner geek showing?)

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