I have really great clay on my property. I am leaning towards doing clay bricks stabilized with lime and putting papercrete in the gap between the walls?
Sent: Friday, July 03, 2009 8:48 AM
To: papercreters papercreters
Subject: RE: [papercreters] Re:Papercrete Squidoo
Funny you should send this (and it's great by the way). I am now designing a small house quite similar to this. I would love to do a load bearing bldg but think I will go with a modified post and beam. It's called a box beam system. the beams (actually the posts) being made of 2 x 4s and oriented strand board and it will have a wood bond beam as well. I will research to see what materials are most green (sustainanble)
Sincerely, Judith
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