Your overhang enclosure looks fantastic. I am embarrassed to put pictures of my project up after seeing yours. I wonder if the dryness of your mix has anything to do with the nice regularity I see in your wall. Or, it could be the clay content (I don't have any here).
What I really wanted to ask about is the 1, 2, and 3 pictures of your pressed blocks. Did you use the press you had made with the air assist bottle jacks, or a new method? I still think that is the way to go. A guy could build bricks all winter and sell them in the spring. You are in the industry, how much does one of those 7-5/8 X 7-5/8 X 15-3/8 hollowed out bricks run anyway (that may not be the current dimensions as I took the measurements off one laying around here that may date to the 30's)? If they are less than $2.00 a piece that is probably too competetive for our labor intensive bricks, but if they are closer to 3 then the idea is intriguing.
I head up the Alcan for Alaska tomorrow so I am in the throes of cleaning up, prepping for the sojurn, and closing the place up for the winter.
I see a new mixer, an axle change with a vehicle for power, and a press on next summer's agenda. A stationary tow mixer is going to be parked in the middle of the next structure I build with a mountain of paper nearby. We'll see. You seem to have a goodly supply of paper where do you get it? When I'm here for the duration (retired) I can set up a regular pick-up route to obtain paper on a regular basis, but I live (as many of us do) out in the sticks so the weekly route will be 60 to 70 miles.
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Your overhang enclosure looks fantastic. I am embarrassed to put pictures of my project up after seeing yours. I wonder if the dryness of your mix has anything to do with the nice regularity I see in your wall. Or, it could be the clay content (I don't have any here).
What I really wanted to ask about is the 1, 2, and 3 pictures of your pressed blocks. Did you use the press you had made with the air assist bottle jacks, or a new method? I still think that is the way to go. A guy could build bricks all winter and sell them in the spring. You are in the industry, how much does one of those 7-5/8 X 7-5/8 X 15-3/8 hollowed out bricks run anyway (that may not be the current dimensions as I took the measurements off one laying around here that may date to the 30's)? If they are less than $2.00 a piece that is probably too competetive for our labor intensive bricks, but if they are closer to 3 then the idea is intriguing.
I head up the Alcan for Alaska tomorrow so I am in the throes of cleaning up, prepping for the sojurn, and closing the place up for the winter.
I see a new mixer, an axle change with a vehicle for power, and a press on next summer's agenda. A stationary tow mixer is going to be parked in the middle of the next structure I build with a mountain of paper nearby. We'll see. You seem to have a goodly supply of paper where do you get it? When I'm here for the duration (retired) I can set up a regular pick-up route to obtain paper on a regular basis, but I live (as many of us do) out in the sticks so the weekly route will be 60 to 70 miles.
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