Wow! Looking at that code book and contemplating building a house makes one want to run screaming to the mountains and live in a tipi. Lots of luck trying to get a papercrete structure approved. And that's supposedly just a little town, Think how much more things you'd have to comply with in a big town or city or populous county.
Mind boggling.
-- In, "Bob" <criswells.ok@...> wrote:
> <williams_judith@> wrote:
> Yes I've been giving this code issue a lot of thought. Been sort of
> obsessing on it in fact. I want to do things right and need to find a
> way that works for me and the code people. I have time to work it out,
> not planning to start anything new until I have the present things under
> control. As it is I am so busy with other things that I never get to
> work on my papercrete.
> Thanks for your words of wisdom. They are not going to be ignored.
> Sincerely, Judith
> I was and still do relieve the Code Enforcement Officer of our little
> town. When ever someone wants to build here they provide us with a
> drawing (we don't require it to be drawn by some smarta## arcitect) we
> will then approve the drawing and give that person the following:
> (which will tell them what we will be looking for) Any inspector should
> be ready to show you the builder the code book they are using, it is
> your right to see and know.
> Footings:
> q Approved plans on site.
> q Sanitary facilities for workers on site.
> q Building setbacks and location must match approved plot
> plan/site plan.
> q Footing layout/dimensions must match approved plans.
> q Footings dug to width and depth as shown on approved plans
> (or),.
> q Footings 12" wide 16" deep into native soil with bottoms
> squared/level.
> q Check soils: no loose material, mud, organic material in
> footings, no expansive soil. If fill on site, a copy of the soil
> compaction report must be available for inspector.
> q Expanded footings installed per the approved plans with
> additional steel as required.
> q Exterior piers and/or interior footings installed per the
> approved plans with steel.
> q Steel properly lapped, supported and size indicated on approved
> plans.
> q Bulkheads installed in stepped footings.
> q Vertical steel (J bars) on site for placement at time of pour
> unless retaining walls then J bars must be tied in place to horizontal
> steel per the approved plans.
> q Plumbing/electrical sleeves cannot pass through the footings
> (they must be placed under footing or through foundation wall).
> q Plumbing sleeves must be twice the diameter of the piping that
> will pass through it.
> q Ground electrode (if required) installed ( #4 bare or stranded
> copper, 30 feet in length with 20 foot in footing around steel and 10
> foot out of footing).
> Stem/Grout:
> q Verify foundation walls same as approved plans (block /poured
> stem and size).
> q Vertical placement of steel and size matches approved plans.
> q Horizontal placement of steel is the proper size with approved
> lap, placed per the approved plans and properly supported.
> q Steel meets required clearance from forms or block sides (1
> ½" from sides of forms, centered in block).
> q Any required hold downs must be on site and placed in the
> required locations as shown on the approved plans.
> q Cleanouts installed at base of walls in cells with steel when
> walls over 48 inches in height.
> q Wall height does not exceed 5 foot allowable for single pour.
> q Foundation drains (if required) are installed with approved
> moisture proofing of walls.
> Under slab Plumbing:
> q Drain/waste/vent holding 10' stack water test or 5 P.S.I.
> air test with no greater than 30# gauge.
> q Installation of backwater valve, if required.
> q Sufficient slope of horizontal drain pipes (dependent on size of
> piping used).
> q Continuous support of pipe for its entire length with 6" of
> approved shade material under the piping. Additional shade material
> should be on site for use over the piping at the time of backfill.
> q Fixture vent fittings are of approved type (no San-Tees used in
> a horizontal position).
> q No flat venting (venting must be above the weir of the drain).
> q Proper fittings for vertical to horizontal change in direction
> q Copper pipes penetrating concrete slabs are wrapped.
> q Water piping is continuous with no splices under slab (dependent
> on material used).
> q Cleanouts installed where required.
> q S-traps not permitted (trap arm must be twice the pipe
> diameter).
> q Openings through foundation for piping sleeves need to be sealed
> around the sleeve and in the annular space around the piping passing
> through the sleeve (see footing inspection for requirements for
> sleeving).
> Under slab Mechanical:
> q Ductwork is of an approved type.
> q Joints are sealed with approved sealant.
> q Duck work is properly supported with a full bed of shade
> material 6" deep with sufficient shade material to cover the piping
> at the time of backfill on site.
> q Ends of ductwork where it comes through the floor are supported
> to prevent settling at the time of slab pour and sealed to prevent
> infiltration of any materials.
> Slab grade:
> q Interior turn down footings installed per the approved plans
> (size/placement/steel).
> q Sub grade properly compacted.
> q Steel properly suspended (1 ½" above sub grade).
> q Slab thickness meets the minimum required 3 1/2".
> q Electrical conduits (if installed) sealed to prevent moisture or
> concrete infiltration.
> q All plumbing piping penetrating slab protected from concrete.
> (Wrapped)
> q Traps for showers/tubs boxed out.
> q In-floor heating properly installed and tested, 100 psi (if
> applicable).
> Under floor framing:
> q Hold downs (anchor bolts) installed 12" from the end of each
> plate piece, every 6' and 2 in each piece regardless of its length.
> q Post/ beam strapping installed including strapping in beam
> pockets to beams.
> q Proper clearance of earth to wood under beams/floor joists
> (18" to joists, 12" to beams).
> q Truss joists installed per the manufacturer's installation
> instructions.
> q Hangers for truss joists correctly installed and of an approved
> type.
> q No notches in the bottom or top cords of the truss joists
> (engineering required if notched).
> q Adequate crawl space ventilation/cross ventilation (1 square
> foot per 150 square feet) with vents located a minimum of 3 feet from
> each corner and placed to achieve cross ventilation).
> q Crawl space access installed (18"x24" minimum
> unobstructed opening).
> Temporary Electric Service:
> q Panel properly secured to the structure or yard post.
> q Grounding electrode installed, properly sized and attached to
> ground lug inside panel.
> q If ground rod used, proper acorn clamp on top of 8' ground
> rod and rod driven fully into the ground leaving the acorn clamp exposed
> for inspection.
> q 20 amp GFCI receptacle and breaker installed and properly wired.
> q Conduits above grade must be rated impact resistant (primary and
> secondary).
> Combination Inspection:
> (framing/electrical/mechanical/plumbing prior to insulation)
> Framing:
> q Building dried in.
> q All glazing (windows) installed.
> q Windows within 24" arch of a door must be tempered.
> q Windows in tub enclosure must be tempered if less than 60 inches
> above tub floor.
> q Windows within 36 inches of a landing or within 60 inches above
> stair treads must be tempered.
> q Bedroom windows meet egress requirements.
> q Window sills for egress not over 44 inches off floor to finished
> sill height.
> q Check for blocking at interior braced wall panel locations for
> drywall application.
> q Fire block the stair stringers/drop ceilings/soffits/coves.
> q Fire block fireplace chases at floor/ceilings assemblies and
> attic.
> q Fire block every 10' horizontally and vertically such as
> furred spaces in basements.
> q Provide post beam strapping for continuous connection to the
> foundation.
> q Check studs for over-bored or over notched.
> q Trusses braced per the truss design drawings.
> q Uplift resistance on trusses per the truss design drawings at
> top and bottom plates.
> q Beam sizes per the approved plans and full bearing under beams
> at bearing points.
> q Provide full bearing under girder trusses to the foundation.
> q Double top plates installed and top plate joints must be lapped
> 48".
> q Provide ½" space around wood beams in concrete beam pocket
> with approved separation of wood to concrete under beam.
> q Provide attic access (22"x30" with 30" headroom).
> q Provide attic ventilation and insure it cross ventilates (1
> square foot for every 300 square feet). Gable or ridge venting along
> with soffits vented.
> q Provide minimum 6'8" headroom at stairs.
> q Check rise and run on stairs. (Rise maximum 7 3/4" run
> minimum 10")
> q Anchor bolts to be 12" from the end of each plate piece and
> every 6' not less than 2 in each piece regardless of its length.
> q Ledgers for decks/patio roof covers must be mechanically
> attached to the main structure.
> Roof nail/Exterior shear:
> q Roof sheathing proper size/grade nailed at 6" on the edge
> and 12" in the field.
> q Fasteners (nails or staples) are not too deep (penetrating the
> outside of the sheathing).
> q Sheathing is properly spaced (minimum 1/8" gap between
> sheets).
> q Roof design is the same as the approved plans.
> q OSB/plywood at ridge is a minimum of 12" wide or blocked
> under the sheathing if less than 12" in width.
> q Shear nailed at 6" on edge and 12" in the field or per
> the approved plans (engineering may be attached to approved plans).
> q Hold downs for Alternate Braced Wall Panels per the approved
> plans (Special inspection will be required if bolting for hold downs is
> not installed and drilling/epoxy required).
> q Braced wall panels placed per the approved plans (could include
> windows, doors etc. added that are not on the approved plans which
> alters the shear requirements and will need approval for the changes in
> the shear panel locations).
> q Shear panels installed to provide continuous tie from the
> foundation to the double top plate at the roof line. (Splices will need
> to be blocked and nailed per nailing schedule).
> q First to second floor strapping is installed (MST44 minimum) at
> shear panel locations where required.
> Plumbing:
> q Test on gas line/water lines/DWV system (water-50 psi, gas 10
> psi 30# gauge, DWV 5 psi 30# gauge or water through the roof, 60 psi for
> medium pressure gas systems).
> q Gauges must not be damaged or without glass.
> q Proper drain size.
> q Proper fittings used for directional changes, vertical to
> horizontal, horizontal to horizontal.
> q DWV piping/water piping is properly supported (dependent on
> material used).
> q Trap arms of an approved length (S traps not permitted) and
> properly sloped.
> q All traps are properly vented and no flat venting.
> q Clothes washer standpipe is 18" to 44" from inlet to
> weir of drain.
> q Cleanouts installed where required and accessible.
> q Flexible gas line properly installed per the manufacturers
> specifications.
> q Any unions in gas piping are accessible.
> q Gas shut -off at the fireplace location.
> q Couplings in water piping (plastic) are of an approved type and
> installed properly with proper materials used for bends and stub outs to
> exterior of walls.
> q Protective plates (FHA or strapping) for
> plumbing/electrical/mechanical where needed (holes drilled 1-¼" or
> less from front of stud to piping).
> q Vents termination in an approved location.
> q Seal the plumbing penetrations (tub traps/around water closets)
> in the concrete slab (1 ½" of concrete).
> q Sediment traps, where required, on gas lines downstream from
> shut off prior to piping entering appliance.
> Electrical:
> q Electrical system complete and all circuits made up with grounds
> tied together using approved mechanical connection.
> q Smoke detectors installed where required and hardwired together
> on separate circuit (bedrooms, outside sleeping areas, unfinished
> basements, top of stairs leading to bedrooms, in room adjoining halls 24
> inches higher than hall ceiling).
> q Smoke detectors must be 3' from return air or supply air
> registers (manufacturer's requirement).
> q Service panel properly grounded to 8' copper ground rod
> driven into native soil.
> q Approved bushing used where home runs enter back of service
> panel.
> q Wiring is not in contact with abrasive surfaces, such as truss
> gusset plates.
> q Wiring proper distance from hot surfaces.
> q Aluminum wiring at lugs has Anti-oxidant.
> q Two wires of different sizes cannot be under the same lug in the
> service panel unless approved by manufacturer of service panel.
> q Electrical boxes are not overfilled.
> q Wiring sized for intended use.
> q Bathroom receptacles must be separate 20 amp circuits.
> q Outside receptacles cannot be wired off kitchen, laundry or
> bathrooms circuits.
> q Outdoor boxes must be weatherproof.
> q Provide two 20-amp small appliance circuits to kitchen and
> dining area.
> q Provide 20-amp circuit to washer receptacle location in laundry.
> q Provide outlet at front and rear of house (2 outside).
> q Receptacles placed per the requirements (every 12 feet, one in
> hall if over 10 feet in length, all walls over 2 feet must have one).
> q Electrical boxes properly supported.
> q Ground all metal electrical boxes with approved ground screw.
> q All wiring must terminate in an approve box.
> q NM-B (Romex©) must extend ¼" inside the box with 6"
> of free conductor in the box and 3 inches past the face of the box.
> q Stairways must have illumination.
> Electrical:
> q Pancake boxes cannot be used as a junction box (termination box
> only).
> q Wiring properly supported within walls (8" from box and
> every 4').
> q Fan boxes properly supported and rated for ceiling fans.
> q Electrical wires not bundled for more than 24" (creates
> heat).
> q Provide approved bushings for wiring entering metal boxes.
> q Bond the metal gas and water lines (if no metallic piping,
> service panel should be labeled indicating "non-metallic water
> piping, do not use for ground").
> q Bond the building if steel framed.
> q Isolate the grounded conductor in the sub-panel and bond the
> metal enclosure.
> q Install protective plates on all wiring within 1-¼" of the
> stud face.
> q Seal all unused opening in the outlet box or service panel.
> q Kitchen countertop receptacles properly spaced.
> q Island countertops must have one receptacle.
> q Bathroom GFI receptacles to be within 36" of lavatory.
> q Each lavatory must be served by a separate receptacle or one
> centered between lavatories not greater than 36" from either
> lavatory.
> q Provide convenience receptacle within 25 feet of the equipment
> location and on the same level (if in crawl space, receptacle must be
> GFCI protected).
> q Provide switch (at access location) and light in attic or crawl
> space for equipment and separate single receptacle for appliance plug-in
> if only one appliance at the location.
> q Exits require lighting within 6 feet.
> q Overcurrent Sub panels cannot be located in closets or
> bathrooms. 2005NEC 240.24D,E
> q Disconnect for appliances at appliance location unless service
> panel visible.
> q Recessed cans rated for insulation cover or screened to prevent
> insulation from lying on top of cans.
> q All junction boxes must be accessible.
> Mechanical:
> q Bath fans and exhaust ducts in tub/shower area and toilet rooms
> installed properly and vented to an approved location outside the
> building (fans attached to ducting with aluminum tape).
> q Flexible supply ducts sealed at trunk line, joints, tap-ins and
> where fastened to boots with an approved mechanical connector.
> q Boots supported on two sides at ceiling.
> q Flexible ducting properly supported with no bends or sags
> restricting air flow over 50%.
> q Main supply trunk line insulated.
> q Provide continuous walkway 24" wide from the attic access to
> the appliance location in the attic with a 30" platform in front of
> the appliance not longer than 20' (appliances should be installed
> and manufacturer's installation instructions provided at this
> inspection).
> q Ducts into a garage for heating or cooling must have fire
> dampers installed.
> q Return air properly located to assure air stratification.
> q Dryer vent does not exceed 25 foot limitation (subtract 5'
> for every 90 degree turn and 2 ½' for every 45 degree turn or
> provide manufacturers specifications).
> q Dryer vent cannot be screwed together.
> q Dryer vent material approved smooth rigid metal piping in
> concealed locations.
> q Type B-vent termination location approved and high enough above
> roof with a back draft damper.
> q Type B-vent for water heater minimum 5 feet from top of water
> heater to termination cap.
> q Type B-vent must be used in all concealed locations including
> attics and crawl spaces.
> q Screws cannot penetrate the inside wall of the Type B-vent.
> q Provide 1" clearance of Type B-vent to combustibles.
> q Type B-vent extends 6" below ceiling line at equipment
> location if not in concealed space.
> q Type B-vent properly supported at off sets.
> q Type B-vent fire blocked (metal) where it passes through floors
> and ceilings.
> q Provide adequate combustion air for gas-fired appliances (1
> square inch for every 1000 BTU's upper and lower or if all
> combustion air drawn from the outside 1 square inch for every 3000
> BTU's upper only).
> q Exhaust ducting for range hood approved material with joints
> lapped properly (KD piping).
> q Gas appliances in garage on an 18" platform and protected
> from impact.
> q Manufactured fireplaces installed per the manufacturer's
> installation instructions.
> q Insure proper slope and support on condensate drains and they
> must terminate in an approved location.
> Drywall:
> q Interior drywall braced wall panels installed and nailed where
> required on approved plans.
> q Drywall properly nailed (7" on center for nails, 12" on
> center for screws).
> q 5/8" drywall on the ceiling of the garage supporting
> habitable space above.
> q Green board cannot be used in a horizontal application unless
> the framing members are 12" on center for ½" drywall 16" on
> center for 5/8" drywall.
> q Drywall on interior ceilings is 5/8" or ½" ceiling rated
> (sag resistant) where framing members are 24 inches on center.
> q Approved exterior drywall on exterior soffits at the
> porches/patio/covered entry.
> q Drywall trimmed to 1" clearance around the Type B-vent.
> q Ceiling drywall installed perpendicular to the framing members.
> Stucco:
> q Approved vapor barrier installed.
> q Weep screed installed at the base of the walls (2" above
> concrete, 4" above finished grade).
> q Corner reinforcing wire installed (corner aid or diamond mesh).
> q All pop outs properly installed with corner aid or diamond mesh
> or ribbed lath.
> q Proper lap on wire (2" horizontal and 1" vertical) and
> approved wire type.
> q Nailing (stapling) at 6" on center.
> q Staples are not set too deep (penetrates surface).
> q Lathing nailed or stapled with galvanized nails or staples to
> framing members.
> q All horizontal surfaces to be stuccoed are covered with diamond
> mesh.
> q Foam used in attic or crawl spaces is approved (flame
> spread/smoke density) or provided with thermal protection.
> Yard lines:
> q Water yard line fully supported on 6" of approved shade
> material for its entire length.
> q Accessible water shut off within 18" of meter location
> q Shut off inside the structure at the pump location if well.
> q Water yard line a minimum of 18" below finished grade with a
> minimum 18 AWG copper tracer wire if non-metallic piping used.
> q Copper to PVC connections are Schedule 80 plastic (no threaded
> Schedule 40).
> q In line accessible backflow preventions installed at any T's
> in water yard line.
> q Sewer yard line requires a long sweep two-way cleanout.
> q Sewer yard line a minimum of 18" below finished grade.
> q Sewer yard line fully supported on 6" of approved shade
> material for its entire length, with a minimum 18 AWG copper tracer wire
> if non-metallic piping used.
> q Proper distance maintained from other utilities (see Burial
> Depth Handout).
> q Proper slope on yard line to its inversion location (tank or
> sewer main).
> q Backwater valve installed if connection to city sewer system.
> q Gas yard line must be 12" below finished grade (plastic or
> iron piping).
> q Gas yard line fully supported on 6" of approved shade
> material for its entire length.
> q Gas yard line must be scotch coated for burial in the ground or
> approved plastic with a minimum 18 AWG copper tracer wire.
> q Risers on plastic gas piping must be metal.
> q Test on gas yard line (must hold 10# for 15 minutes on maximum
> 30# gauge).
> q Proper couplings at piping connections.
> q All couplings primed and taped with 40 ml tape to 6" beyond
> the coupling (primer should be visible beyond the tape).
> q All abrasions in the piping primed and taped with 40 ml tape to
> 6" beyond the abrasion.
> q Gas shut off at the house.
> q A dialectic union 6" above finished grade prior to the gas
> piping entering the building.
> q Secondary electrical conduits must be a minimum of 12 inches
> below grade and fully supported for their entire length by 6" of
> approved shade material.
> q Approved glue used for conduit connections.
> q Secondary electrical conduits under driveways must be 18 inches
> below grade.
> Final Inspection:
> General:
> q Permanent house numbers installed visible from the street.
> q All utilities connected to insure source of heat, hot water and
> sanitary facilities.
> q Exterior grading complete providing a positive slope away from
> the structure (6" within 10').
> q Door between house and garage is self-closing 20-minute door and
> hinges adjusted so door closes completely.
> q Continuous handrails on all stairs with 4 or more risers (3 or
> more treads/handrails must return in at the top and bottom of stairs).
> q Guards on all platforms/decks more than 30" above finished
> floor or grade.
> q Roof covering complete and flashings installed where required.
> q Level landings at all exterior doors and top and bottom of
> stairs.
> q All exterior wood protected from weather (primed or painted).
> q Exterior post beam connections at patio/deck with approved metal
> connections.
> q Doors do not swing over a step.
> q Penetrations at exterior into structure or crawl space are
> sealed.
> q Provide approved hearth at fireplace front where required.
> q Appliances located in garage are protected from impact and on
> 18" platform if gas.
> q No double keyed deadbolts installed.
> q All penetrations from outside to inside have been sealed.
> Electric Final:
> q All circuits labeled in the service panel.
> q Two different size wires not under the same lug unless approved
> by panel manufacturer.
> q A single breaker cannot serve two conductors.
> q Flexible conduit properly supported at AC units.
> q AC disconnect not located behind the condenser.
> q Flexible electrical conduit to condenser is not longer the
> 6'.
> q Exterior/interior GFCI's working.
> (Kitchen/bath/garage/outside/crawl space).
> q All the unused breaker locations in the service panel are
> sealed.
> q Clothes closet/storage closet lights not located close to shelf
> or restricted area.
> q No open incandescent bulbs in closets.
> q Cover plates on all switches/receptacles/unused light fixture
> locations.
> q Exterior receptacles not located under a porch/or covered entry
> must have in-use covers.
> q Motor for the jetted tub is accessible.
> q GFCI reset for the jetted tub motor is accessible and
> functioning.
> q Light fixtures installed and functioning.
> q All bedroom circuits (receptacles/outlets) must be Arc-Fault
> protected.
> q Disconnect at the water heater location if electric.
> q Smoke detectors in place, interconnected and functioning.
> Mechanical Final:
> q Type B-vent termination caps installed and ascussion plates
> installed at ceiling lines.
> q Type B-vent termination in approved location (8' from
> vertical surfaces or 2' above).
> q Proper clearances maintained from Type B-vents to combustibles.
> q Condensate lines/mechanical lines properly supported.
> q Exhaust fan working.
> q AC condenser is on an approved platform 3 inches above grade.
> q Installation and operation instructions left with equipment.
> q Shut offs in gas line installed at all appliance locations.
> q Rigid nipple (BIP) installed to the exterior of the furnace
> housing.
> q Dryer vent termination cannot be screened and must be of
> approved type.
> Plumbing Final:
> q Cleanout covers installed.
> q No leaks detected in plumbing system.
> q Traps under sinks level and trap arms sloped to drain.
> q Angle stops/shut offs installed at lavs/water closets.
> q Base of the water closet sealed.
> q Air gap for dishwasher at kitchen sink or high loop in
> dishwasher drain.
> q Expansion tank at water heater (unless it's a well).
> q T&P drain for water heater full size to exterior, independent,
> turns down 90 degrees and terminates 6" above finished grade at the
> exterior.
> q Anti-siphon devices installed on hose bibs.
> q Accessible shut off for fireplace/gas log lighter.
> q Sediment traps at the furnace and the hot water heater
> downstream from the shut off valve prior to piping entering the
> appliance.
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