Wednesday, June 17, 2009

[papercreters] adding a PIC of PC Greenhouse-construction

Bob Brock sent me a great photo of these huge bunker blocks the way he built the greenhouse.

he does things big. his  precast blocks are 1' thick, x 4' wide, 8x tall.  he sets them on 4' edge here

this is NOT the write up-- just part of a photo descript-- will add the pic soon.

he also used rebar, but only cause he had some to try- he does not use it now, PC does not stick to it as we all know.

 you will see a grooved edge- when he uses a steel form to cast a block, he places a pie of PVC pipe- cut in half- on each side to make a C shape. when he sets up the block he  adds rebar, and pours a cement slurry inside the  matched  grooves, and makes a core of cement  as required by his code guys.

I was understanding he stood the  dry panels up to be 8' tall, but here they are on edge.  it would be hard to pour wet cement  horizontally, so he may have changed how he  fixes the  panels.

NOW  Mike MCain did a gang panel forms,, similar size as Bob's, and he made a long tall "breadbox-- with ply sheets  spaced evenly and poured in his PC to each for, let them cure, and than has slices like bread-- only large panels.

Ms. Charmaine  Taylor/ Taylor Publishing
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