Hello All, here's a link to someone that does a version with tubes in green houses http://www.sunnyjohn.com/indexpages/shcs.htm here's a youtube http://www.youtube.com/swf/l.swf?swf=http%3A//s.ytimg.com/yt/swf/cps-vfl80438.swf&video_id=v3NowPq5kTA&rel=1&eurl=http%3A//www.sunnyjohn.com/indexpages/shcs.htm&iurl=http%3A//i3.ytimg.com/vi/v3NowPq5kTA/hqdefault.jpg&sk=D0JFzE6pyUt98hpRINKmDGWdOJVPV320C&use_get_video_info=1&load_modules=1&cr=US&avg_rating=4.61538461538&length_seconds=128&allow_ratings=1&title=Solar%20Heated%20And%20Cooled%20Greenhouses with the fans blowing seems that mold would not be an issue. Yet I have seen where on the south side of a home they have a garden space which could accommodate this type of earth tube and with use of sliding doors or just open could maintain the whole house temp. just some thoughts Laura --- On Sun, 3/1/09, Janoahsh <janoahsh@alaska.net> wrote: From: Janoahsh <janoahsh@alaska.net> |