Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Hi,  i was experimenting with a similar idea and have had good results. essentially i used old clothes dipped in concrete slurry ( with some bondcrete in the mix) which i hung over the wires of ringlock fencing attached to a sturdy frame- when set, i used a papercrete render over the clothes layer. i also tried some using flat cloth, about 3 layers (seems natural fibre is best-poly cotton doesn't make the grade-old flannelette bed sheets ideal) but this was more labour intensive than the old clothes as i had to paint each piece before putting on the wires...the old clothes in slurry was quicker (though probably less economical use of the slurry...) and additionally, the complex surface presented by the clothes gave an excellent 'key' for the papercrete to stick to.(made short work of a sizable amount of laundry that moulded after a monster rain!) i have used the same idea to make planters, draping the cloth over a box, tub or whatever to the required size- in that case, i used flat cloth in squares that would fit a paint roller tray- 3 or 4 layers, when its set, render with papercrete, leave 3 weeks to cure and remove from the support.My next project was going to be  builders reo mesh but i haven't been able to get to that yet. I am still a little worried about rust expanding inside the structure and causing it to fail- i probably should have painted the reo before it rusted but too late now. the manufactured concrete cloth looks wonderful and 'easy' except that it is pricey and heavy- fairly 'man' work i should think? it would save alot of mixing! cheers, eo


Posted by: eo greensticks <>
