This is not exactly what you are thinking about doing, but it is similar, as I am poring up against a studed wall and also out past the studed wall. As you can see I have poured the first 6" high by 8" thick by 14 ft long course and have moved and added more boards in order to keep pouring even before the wall is dry, just as long as it is dry enough to remain in place when you move the bottom boards up and add more. I will show that in my next post.
--- In, "trendawareness" <trendlinesystems@...> wrote:
> In response to a previous post, it's been suggested that I try pouring PC between the open wall studs in my garage rather than molding blocks.
> I think that would save me a lot of work.
> But since I have no experience with slip forming PC, my question is how long should I leave the temporary forms up, and how do I know they're ready to be removed?
> I take it actual times will vary, but should I plan on a couple of hours or a day?
> Also, how soon before I can pour on top of a previous level?
> Thanks