If you'd be interested maybe you could have a small papercrete workshop there at the farm. I know, a farm is like having children who never grow up. You love 'em but sacrifice some freedom. I do appreciate your participation in the group and look forward to meeting you some day.
Sincerely, Judith
Check out my new Squidoo Lens at http://www.squidoo.com/papercretebyjudith
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To: papercreters@yahoogroups.com
From: gartht@txcyber.com
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 17:30:53 -0500
Subject: Re: [papercreters] Re: The Upcoming Gathering
For most of our life, a years notice was needed to go anywhere. Our
vacations were planned at least 2 years in advance. Many companies
require you to book your vacations in December or January for the year.
No changes allowed.
Now, I don't get to go anywhere. The couple we used to swap vacation
time with, divorced and sold their farm. No one wants to look after a
farm for you. I can't afford a couple of thousand a week to hire
someone to do it. So we no longer travel.
I am planning on running a few of my gardening courses mid week for
people who work weekends.
Bright Blessings,
Spaceman wrote:
> More than one has mentioned the short notice. This was announced in
> mid July, over sixty days before the gathering. How much time do you
> think would be needed to plan? Since it has been hinted that #2 might
> happen at my place in west Texas, I would definitely want to give
> people enough time to think and plan ahead.
> For myself, I don't have any plans for tomorrow (other than slinging
> slurry), much less for November, so sixty days was plenty of time for
> me! I am in the fortunate position of being able to set my own
> schedule for the most part. Early week would not be a problem here,
> but I think most folks have a lot more freedom on weekends. A survey
> might be in order : )
> spaceman
> ._,___
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