That's what I thought about the notice. I'm like you. If I try to plan too far ahead there's more chance of something interfering. A survey is a good idea. Also perhaps making it more of an open house type of thing where people could come for whatever days they could make it. Here again, I am rather informal about such things. Having sort of homesteaded (well lived out in the boonies and always working on houses that never got done) with 6 children and a wacko husband, I have learned to be very adaptive and flexible.
Sincerely, Judith
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Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 12:58:40 -0600
Subject: Re: [papercreters] Re: The Upcoming Gathering
For myself, I don't have any plans for tomorrow (other than slinging slurry), much less for November, so sixty days was plenty of time for me! I am in the fortunate position of being able to set my own schedule for the most part. Early week would not be a problem here, but I think most folks have a lot more freedom on weekends. A survey might be in order : )
thelandyachtaustin wrote:
Unfortunately, I'm another one of those who can't make it. For a couple of reasons. First cuz of what he said, not enough advance notice. But second, because the business I'm in, 80% of my profits are made on Thursday-Saturday (I'm a taxi driver in a college=party town).
So. Two things. More notice PLEASE! I'd love to attend one of these. And can one be planned for early-week?
On the upside, I just looked at the map. Your location looks like it's VERY close to where my brother lives (& I've wanted to visit him for a while). He works & lives in Los Alamos.
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