Thanks you, Charmaine. Think I will experiment with 1 gallon.
So it probably won't be working its way into the mix of this fall's project but at least I'll know whether it's worth pursuing in the spring.
And... it may be cost prohibitive, depending upon how much needs to be used in the crete mix to achieve meaningful results.
Was hoping you had some simple solution for making it yourself. It didn't sound so simple when I read about it on Wikipedia and elsewhere. Sounds like one would need a special kiln and good knowledge of industrial chemistry in order to do so safely.
So I'm still looking for a good, lightweight, water-sealing coating for the current project. Don't have the big-paddle prickly pear cacti here or I'd love to use cactus juice. But I really don't see those until I get well south of Socorro in New Mexico. They are plentiful down around Deming. Can't justify the time and expense right now to make a 300 to 770-mile roundtrip to harvest a trailerful.
-- ken
--- In, Charmaine Taylor <charmainertaylor@...> wrote:
> Looks like a good answer is given already.
> Here is where to buy
> <<
> sodium silicate 1 gal $14.25
> (803) 926-5385 1133 Walter Price St Cayce, SC 29033
> Potassium silicate info below-- and MSDS on sodium silicate at bottom
> My experience: Water glass is a jelly like substance that is already
> formulated and ready to go. I was given a jar of it,,,looked like egg
> whites. I painted it on my paper+lime plaster on the steel drum I had made
> into a big flower planter. It has sat in rain for 5+ years in wet
> PacNW...and protects the plaster well. (usually paper+lime a Chinese
> formula I have shared before is going to be used indoors.) I wanted to
> see if I could get it to harden enough to limestone to not get soggy while
> outside. and the waterglass did work.
> the company does sell 1 gallon.. not sure you need a full drum to
> experiment. Used to be avaialble at pharmacies.. but prolly not now.. call
> one and see?
> you can buy online $10 for a quart ( for testing it may be worth it)
> **
> 69338136.htm?from=googleshop_us&gclid=CL7fy4_uq7MCFcN_QgodMk4AVw
> Here is another version: Research this also--
> Everkote by Edison CO sells another version but only commercially-- here
> is a description:
> belpow is the MSDS info on a TX company that sells it.. maybe not i gal
> tho.
> *EverKote 300's potassium silicate binder is produced by fusing potassium
> carbonate with silica at high
> temperature. The result is a soluble silicate, which can be dissolved in
> water to produce a liquid
> "waterglass". *
> Although soluble silicates can be air dried to form a film, maximum water
> resistance, bond strength and
> long-term durability depend on chemical reactions with the substrate or
> added catalysts. Substrates with
> which silicates can react include:
> Calcium salts, typically found in Portland cement, lime and calcareous
> natural stones such as
> limestone and marble Silica, typically present in siliceous sandstones,
> silica sand, mortars, concrete and glass
> Ceramics, including brick and terra cotta
> Iron and other metals
> *When EverKote 300 is applied to suitable substrates, it penetrates and
> reacts to form a hard, insoluble
> silicate. It can also increase substrate hardness, particularly in
> cementitious materials. When applied to
> materials containing Portland cement, the silicate reacts with incompletely
> hydrated cement particles,
> converting unreacted calcium hydroxide (CaOH2 or hydrated lime) to harder
> calcium silicate hydrates. *
> MSDS NUMBER : M35887
> 09-06-01
> *Occidental Chemical Corporation, Occidental Tower *
> 5005 LBJ Freeway, P.O. Box 809050
> Dallas, TX 75380 *(972) 404-3800
> 1-800-733-3665 OR 972-404-3228 *
> 1-800-699-4970
> 1-800-752-5151
> Adhesives; pulp and paper; deinking; detergents;
> gels; catalysts; soil stabilization; textiles
> Sodium silicate liquid, siliceous
> Na2O.xSiO2 (x = or > 2.30 by wt.)
> Liquid sodium silicate
> Water glass
> --
> *Charmaine *
> Charmaine Taylor/Publishing & Elk River Press
> PO Box 375 Cutten CA 95534
> Robert Heinlein (1907-1988) "There is no worse tyranny than to force a man
> to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good
> for him."
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Thursday, November 1, 2012
[papercreters] Re: using waterglass
12:28 PM