' Morning Miss Charmaine,
Don't be impressed w me, it's Clyde T Curry's who's the guru.
That is our mortar mix and plaster mix recipe cuz it's so strong (...and w that grinding and overnight soaking the paper is totally broken down- it's super smooth and fun to plaster with)
The brick mix is a different recipe...i can post it if you'd like...it has a lot more fill; more paper and we often put in recycled styrofoam and perlite...very insulating and light weight.
I'm no expert, put I've never had an issue w "too watery" ...just put in less water. ? I don't have a way to measure how much water I add, just run the hose until it is the consistency I recognize (cookie-dough-like)...my husband likes a much drier mix. So i mix it pretty dry in the cement mixer. Pour it out into a wheelbarrow and add more water as I'm using it and he can plaster with his drier consistency. It's been very forgiving stuff.
There are other folks in our neighborhood using a small home cement mixer w success, I'd like to buy one too for smaller mixes. I'd just take that recipe and cut it in half or a quarter.
Have a great one
Spin for around 30 mins and you've got some super duper papercrete mortar or plaster.
-- Alaine, I am impressed you found a good way to mix 'crete with a standard cement mixer. at the end you say "mortar or plaster", is this becayse it is too thick to pour into forms?
could adding more water the last 5 min of mixing make it more "wet oatmeal" like? for pouring into sacks, forms or a gang press?
since most papercrete is very watery and is drained over a screen your method may spare that last step to speed the process.
even if just as a thicker plaster mix it sounds ideal for a cheap/ fast method, would a small home cement mixer do as well?
and you are very close: Pozzolan and pozzolanic and MetaKaolin ie: China clay- very finest clay particles
Charmaine Taylor/Publishing & Elk River Press
PO Box 375 Cutten CA 95534
Robert Heinlein (1907-1988) "There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him."
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