We have not all retired. I am doing papercrete in Texas and I have been here almost from the beginning, certainly from the beginning of the first papercrete group. What do you want to know?
HI my name is Ruth and I live near the Colorado River in Arizona. I was just getting started with papercrete information before I was involved in a very devastating auto collision. Wanting now to build a aquatic rehab center for people with spinal injuries (I am good but it took a while and I now know what we need). I have been saving paper and making connections with people who will supply paper. I need a tow mixer and expertise/experience. It shocked me to find that that much needed experience is "retiring". I don't want to be left out of the loop before I can even get into it. I have an acre and great water. Buildings and a GREAT Vision. Papercrete is an important part of that vision. Would anyone even remotely interested please contact me. Ruth dr_ruth_ross@yahoo.com I don't do facebook. Very old school.