I've been digging around online trying to learn more about this net wrap.
However, of all the net wrap I have looked at, I haven't found any that I thought would be appropriate for use with papercrete. It all appears to have very large openings in the netting that would not trap the paper pulp inside very well. I don't claim to have researched every brand or every type of new wrap, but openings ranging in size from 3/4 square inch to 1 square inch appear to be typical. That seems a big too porous in my opinion. I confess I have never attempted to pour wet papercrete slurry through screen or netting with openings that large. If the papercrete were pre-drained so that it wasn't so soupy it might work well, but pouring wet slurry directly out of a mixer might result in a lot of papercrete flowing right through the netting, depending upon the particular papercrete mix.
The best pricing I have found is around 37 cents / linear foot for 4ft wide netting. That would make a 1 foot square tube if the edges were sewn together.
Knit raschel tubing can be acquired cheaper than that and has has a tighter knit, much more appropriate for capturing papercrete slurry.
I'm not trying to frown on the idea of using Net Wrap. The point I'm trying to make is that shopping around for the tightest weave and the cheapest price makes sense.
It also appears that net wrap is sold in garganutan bulk quantites. As in by the pallet load. The smallest quantity that I found during my brief google searching was around 7000 linear feet of netting. That could build a small subdivision of Hiperpapercrete buildings if you found a tight enough weave.
If the right price for the right weave can be found, this idea could work, but from what I have seen so far, the knit raschel appears to be both the better and cheaper option, SO FAR.
Perhaps someone other than me will find something better. If you do, please post about it.
--- In papercreters@yahoogroups.com, cloud wall <windwalkerwill@...> wrote:
> Maybe, an alternative. This is net wrap, used by hay farmers to wrap large round bales. I know that they can contain 1200-1600# of hay in a compressed bale. Used stuff probably isn't a good option. I've tried saving it and you need an act of congress to get it off with out tangling it up. New, though, it could be laid out and the filling be placed down the center of the 4' width and then, fold the sides up and overlapped. I built a bagged earth wall, determined to make something that draft horses couldn't destroy and intended to use papercrete to turn it into a solid wall. I never got there but, driving rebar posts for stability, barbed wire between the layers and used net wrap crammed in any holes, I was able to make a small wall that the itches couldn't move. I coated the whole thing with AE so it wouldn't rot while I was getting around to attempting papercrete. It is still standing. Aside from the AE, all recycled materials. Hay farmers use it. It
> can't be expensive.
> One link for the net wrap:
> http://www.ambraco.com/BaleNetwrap/TamaNet_EdegToEdgeWithTamaTech_Netwrap.php
> Clarissa
> Peace and Harmony or Else