Mikey Sklar made a solid wall around his property in Truth or Consequences NM by making metal stud frames and casting papercrete into them, then attached the filled frames to posts. Then he sprayed pc on the outside. Check his videos at
and his interesting blog at http://blog.holyscraphotsprings.com/
spacemanOn 7/24/2011 7:34 PM, Bowen Dickson wrote:
friends:Great group — thanks for all the ideas, stories and 'philosophy'.[Somehow comforting to discover I'm not the only one stumbling around in the dark.]First two batches of P-C came out well, though took a couple of weeks to 'sorta' dry. [ I'm in Kingston, Washington, on the wet side of the Puget Sound.]Now I'm wondering............Best method for building a faux Tuscan wall ? [To support my art-habit I work as a gardener. In 2009 I built a 'deer-proof' [84" high, 2" x 3" field wire'] garden enclosure for friends up the road — works great.Now they are wondering if the back, north, side can be converted / modified to a solid mass[heat-sink wall], but "not a concrete block wall"..... and "some art" [?].Debating the merits of 'in-fill' [4" x 4" treated posts on 6 foot centers with 2" x 4" cross-bracing] /vs/ casting individual blocks and going with traditional masonry techniques.Further along, the wall will be given a couple of coats of "antique" stucco.
Any thoughts, experiences will be appreciated.Best to all, Bowen
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