Great group — thanks for all the ideas, stories and 'philosophy'.
[Somehow comforting to discover I'm not the only one stumbling around in the dark.]
First two batches of P-C came out well, though took a couple of weeks to 'sorta' dry. [ I'm in Kingston, Washington, on the wet side of the Puget Sound.]
Now I'm wondering............
Best method for building a faux Tuscan wall ? [To support my art-habit I work as a gardener. In 2009 I built a 'deer-proof' [84" high, 2" x 3" field wire'] garden enclosure for friends up the road — works great.
Now they are wondering if the back, north, side can be converted / modified to a solid mass
[heat-sink wall], but "not a concrete block wall"..... and "some art" [?].
Debating the merits of 'in-fill' [4" x 4" treated posts on 6 foot centers with 2" x 4" cross-bracing] /vs/ casting individual blocks and going with traditional masonry techniques.
Further along, the wall will be given a couple of coats of "antique" stucco.
Any thoughts, experiences will be appreciated.
Best to all, Bowen
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