Friday, March 30, 2018

Re: [papercreters] Re: flyash

I have been moving my forms on my walls every 24 hours without a problem.  Fill with papercrete,  wait 24 hours, move the forms and fill again.

On 3/29/2018 6:58 PM, michael joyce [papercreters] wrote:
Hello Murry, Im getting ready to build sound wall to stop traffic noise  with slip mold . was curious how long did you wait between lifts.. congrats on your accomplishment.  Ive moved to Odem just north of Corpus n  later plan to add papercrete building to garage for rental home

On Tuesday, March 27, 2018, 7:37:23 AM CDT, Murry Holley [papercreters] <> wrote:

Hello Kim
Hope things are going well on your project. I finally finished my Papercrete just before Thanksgiving. All and all it was about 2,000 cubic feet to pour. I used a slip form. We poured new Papercrete walls against our existing Mobil home. W' e have free standing Papercrete at the addition. I have enclosed a picture of the form system and the finished pour. I still have to do the skim coat and waterproofing coat.

To the Flyash issue, I have not heard of flyash as a stand alone binder. Typically in concrete it is used as a supplement to cement to reduce the amount of cement required.

Before i began construction on our house i built a barn as my testing lab.  for my initial work I tried to maximize paper and minimize binder.  I did a mix with lime and wood ash that was very promising. The logistics of trying to get that much ash mad it seem like more than I could manage.

The mix i test was ( by weight)
paper     28%
clay        40%
Wood ash 19%
lime         13%
This was a stronger product than what i was getting with what I thought was comparable with cement. When I finally got a mix that I thought was what i need i got some compression tests. Compression strength was way too low.

Based on my final cement mix I think you can test a mix with these proportions ( by weight)
Paper newsprint)     14%
Clay                        15%
Sand                        27%
Ash                        27%
Lime                     17%

Please let me know what you come up with.

Murry Holley



Posted by: Kim Travis <>
